EIR Request - Ventilation and CO2 Monitoring in Schools
Request 101002844107
1. Your local Council plans for ventilation improvements and the use of ventilation monitoring equipment (CO2 monitors) across all schools (primary and secondary) in your area.
2. Outline of improvement work completed to date, in progress, and planned for the future.
3. Outline of budgets and costs incurred to date and anticipated future costs.
Response 16-08-2021
1. Currently the Council has purchased a portable monitor for use by each high school. A portable monitor is available for each Primary Associated School Group (ASG). The use of the portable monitors is being assessed and information coming from Scottish Futures Trust and other authorities will be examined to see if a further roll out of CO2 monitors is required.
Elgin Academy and Keith Primary: It is not anticipated that any further works will be required to the ventilation systems.
2. In August 2020 all mechanical ventilation equipment was serviced and adjusted to provide 100% fresh air. Ventilation modelling of typical schools was carried out to identify potential issues within the school estate. Portable CO2 monitors have been rolled out to schools ASG’s. At this stage there are no approved plans to carry out further work, however this is being reviewed as information is provided by Government and shared among authorities.
Elgin Academy and Keith Primary: CO2 monitors in all classrooms and offices
3. The checking of mechanical ventilation equipment was carried out using the Repairs and Maintenance budget and works were not coded separately and so in accordance with section 10(4)(a) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 we can therefore confirm that this information is not held.
We can however advise that the cost of making adjustments is estimated to be in the region of £10k.
A budget of £15k was approved for the carrying out of ventilation modelling of representative schools. Currently around £7k has been expended.
A budget of £10k was approved to investigate and provide CO2 monitors. £2k has been expended with the roll out of the first portable monitors.
Future costs are currently being reviewed as information becomes available.
Elgin Academy and Keith Primary: CO2 monitors were fitted at the build so any costs were incorporated in the final contract sum and so in accordance with section 10(4)(a) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 we can therefore confirm that this information is not held.