FOI Request - Key Software Applications

Request 101002826290

1.   What key software applications does the Authority use for:

i. ERP and Finance
ii. HR and Payroll
iii. Social Care
iv. Elections
v. Planning
vi. Waste Collection
vii. Council Tax
viii. Licensing and Compliance
ix. Parking
x. Food Hygiene
2.   Are there any other key software applications that the Authority uses and puts into escrow?

4.   Within the Authority is there a policy to move towards hosted solutions?

5.   Is there a generic contact e-mail enquiry address or contact person that deals with escrow at the Authority?

Response 26-07-2021

i.              ERP and Finance                             ERP is n/a. Advanced e5 for accounting and financial management
ii.             HR and Payroll                                MHR - iTrent for HR and Payroll
iii.            Social Care                                       OLM - CareFirst
iv.           Elections                                            IDOX Software Limited  for postal postal vote management
v.            Planning                                            IDOX Software Limited  - Uniform
vi.           Waste Collection                             Confirm solutions Limited - Confirm
vii.          Council Tax                                       Civica - Open Revenues/Digital360
viii.         Licensing and Compliance             IDOX Software Limited  - Uniform
ix.           Parking                                              Metric Group Limited – Metric (for card and cash ticketing), PayByPhone (online and app)
x.            Food Hygiene                                   IDOX Software Limited  - Uniform
2.   Yes

4.   No


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