FOI Request - Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
Request 101002822817
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act to request the following information:
1. I would like you to confirm whether the council received or transferred unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC) under the National Transfer Scheme Protocol for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children during the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. If the council only participated in the scheme during some of these years, please indicate which.
2. [If council did participate in the scheme mentioned above] For each of these years, I would like you to tell me how many UASC were transferred into the council area and how many were transferred from the council area to another. If possible, please indicate which council(s) transfers were made between.
3. For each of these years, I would like you to indicate the total number of UASC looked after by the council, and indication whether this number exceeded or fell below the scheme’s stipulation that UASC should represent no more than 0.07% of the council area’s total child population (according to relevant mid-year Office for National Statistics population estimates). Please indicate the relevant percentage of UASC for each year (as a percentage of the council area’s child population).
Response 28-06-2021
In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 we can confirm that no unaccompanied asylum seeking children were received under the National Transfer Scheme Protocol for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children during the period outlined in your request.