FOI Request - Third Sector and Charitable Support
Request 101002820274
Question 1) How many third sector and charitable organisations did your local authority support in a) 2016/17, b) 2017/18, c) 2018/19, d) 2019/20 and e) 2020/21
Question 2) What was the total amount of funding provided to third sector and charitable organisations from your local authority in a) 2016/17, b) 2017/18, c) 2018/19, d) 2019/20 and e) 2020/21
Question 3) Name the third sector and charitable organisations that you reduced funding to, or stopped funding entirely in a) 2016/17, b) 2017/18, c) 2018/19, d) 2019/20 and e) 2020/21 and please provide how much that funding was reduced by