FOI Request - Healthcare Infrastructure Provision in Buckie and Cullen
Request 101002811682
The following information is requested in relation to the Council’s Supplementary Guidance (SG): Developer Obligations (2020):
1. An explanation and copy of any supporting documents of the …site specific requirements (as provided by NHS Grampian)… (as quoted on page 18 of the SG) that pertain to the need for reconfiguration of Seafield and Cullen Medical Practice;
2. A copy of the impact assessment for Seafield Medical Centre and Cullen Primary Care Centre that the Council has undertaken to assess the impact of patients from new housing development on healthcare infrastructure;
3. A breakdown of the expected number of proposed housing units in the individual catchment areas of Seafield Medical Centre and Cullen Primary Care Centre i.e. locations of sites and number of homes in each;
4. Confirmation of the proportion of patients from new homes that the Council expects will already be registered with a medical practice in the local area;
5. Provide an explanation and any supporting evidence justifying the £896 contribution per SRUE for an internal reconfiguration of a medical practice, as quoted on page 18 of the SG;
6. A copy of the source or evidence for the ratio of 1,500 patients per GP applied in the SG;
7. A breakdown of the number of GPs and other staff members employed at Seafield Medical Centre and Cullen Primary Care Centre and the whole-time equivalent for each roll;
8. Confirmation of what mitigation measures the Council considers necessary to mitigate any perceived direct or cumulative impact of patients from new development within the catchment areas of Seafield Medical Centre and Cullen Primary Care Centre; and
9. Confirmation of the proposed additional floorspace at Seafield Medical Centre and/or Cullen Primary Care Centre that the Council considers necessary to mitigate any perceived direct or cumulative impact of patients from new development.
A separate Freedom of Information Request regarding healthcare infrastructure provision in Buckie and Cullen has been submitted to NHS Grampian, as it is not clear who holds the information requested.
Response 28-06-2021
Please find information held by Moray Council attached here.