EIR Requst - Fly-Tipping 2020-2021

Request 101002809304

a. For the last financial year (2020-2021) how many fines or fixed penalty notices did your authority issue for fly-tipping?
b. How many were paid/unpaid?
c. What was the total revenue received from these fines or FPNs? (i.e. actually received by your authority)
d. What is the total amount (in £s) unpaid after 30 days?
e. How much was spent on issuing these fines?

a. For the last financial year (2020-2021) how many times did your authority prosecute individuals or businesses for fly-tipping?
b. How many resulted in convictions?
c. Was any revenue received as compensation?
d. Was any revenue received as costs?
e. How much was spent on these prosecutions?
f.  What is the total amount of compensation awarded unpaid?
g. What is the total amount of costs awarded unpaid?

3) For the last financial year (2020-2021) how many cases of fly-tipping did your authority deal with?

4) For the last financial year (2020-2021), what was the total cost to your authority of dealing with cleaning up fly-tipping?

5) How many people live in your local authority area?

6) How many cases of fly-tipping were reported to your authority on private land?

Response 17-06-21

a. For the last financial year (2020-2021) how many fines or fixed penalty notices did your authority issue for fly-tipping? 18
b. How many were paid/unpaid? 2 paid, 16 unpaid. 
c. What was the total revenue received from these fines or FPNs? (i.e. actually received by your authority) £400
d. What is the total amount (in £s) unpaid after 30 days? £3200
e. How much was spent on issuing these fines? This information is not held. This information therefore falls under exception 10(4)(a) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 - Information Not Held. 

a. For the last financial year (2020-2021) how many times did your authority prosecute individuals or businesses for fly-tipping? 0
b. How many resulted in convictions? N/A
c. Was any revenue received as compensation? N/A
d. Was any revenue received as costs? N/A
e. How much was spent on these prosecutions? N/A
f.  What is the total amount of compensation awarded unpaid? N/A
g. What is the total amount of costs awarded unpaid? N/A

3) For the last financial year (2020-2021) how many cases of fly-tipping did your authority deal with? Environmental Protection dealt with 370 cases of fly tipping during financial year 2020-21.

4) For the last financial year (2020-2021), what was the total cost to your authority of dealing with cleaning up fly-tipping? We do not record fly tipping clean up costs separately, it’s usually done by collection crews within their rounds to minimise disruption. This information therefore falls under exception 10(4)(a) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 - Information Not Held. 

5) How many people live in your local authority area? On 30 June 2019, the population of Moray was 95,820.

6) How many cases of fly-tipping were reported to your authority on private land? This information is not held. This information therefore falls under exception 10(4)(a) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 - Information Not Held.

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