FOI Request - Document Software
Request 101002805354
1. Do you currently use any form of electronic signing tool?
2. If yes, who is your current provider? When does the contract expire? How much does it cost per year? How many licences (users or transactions) do you have?
3. How many documents do you send for signature / approval annually? What % are printed?
4. Are your signing processes primarily paper-based?
5. What is your current annual spend on paper, postage and document storage?
6. Do you currently have any active projects or initiatives aimed at reducing the amount of paper-based processes?
7. If so, who is leading it?
8. How much employee time is it taking to create, send, chase and store documents that require signature?
9. How many employees do you have?
10. What percentage of employees work remotely?
11. Can you provide names and contact details for the following people within your organisation?
1. CIO / IT Director
2. Head of IT
3. Head of Digital Transformation
4. Head of Housing Operations
5. Head of Legal
6. Head of HR
7. Head of Legal Services
12. Do you currently use any of the following Microsoft applications?
1. O365
2. SharePoint
3. Teams
4. Dynamics
5. Power Automate
13. Do you use any Adobe products? If yes, which ones?
14. What primary software systems do you use? (Deployed Systems, Product Name, Vendor, Version, Contract end date & Number of licenses)
1. Human Resources
2. Patient related
3. Legal Services
4. Email and Collaboration
Response 05-07-21
1. Do you currently use any form of electronic signing tool? No
2. If yes, who is your current provider? When does the contract expire? How much does it cost per year? How many licences (users or transactions) do you have? N/A
3. How many documents do you send for signature / approval annually? What % are printed? This information is not held, and is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Not Held.
4. Are your signing processes primarily paper-based? Yes
5. What is your current annual spend on paper, postage and document storage? £83,325
6. Do you currently have any active projects or initiatives aimed at reducing the amount of paper-based processes? This is an ongoing process with service efficiencies being looked at as part of an Improvement and Modernisation project.
7. If so, who is leading it? Head of Improvement and Modernisation.
8. How much employee time is it taking to create, send, chase and store documents that require signature? This information is not recorded. This information is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Not Held.
9. How many employees do you have? Full time staff 2141, Part time staff 2784, Supply/Relief, etc 832, Please note, this is the total number of roles as some employees may have more than one position with the council.
10. What percentage of employees work remotely? This figure is not held, and is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Not Held.
11. Can you provide names and contact details for the following people within your organisation? The council provides the following contact details
12. Do you currently use any of the following Microsoft applications? Yes
1. O365
2. SharePoint
3. Teams
4. Dynamics
5. Power Automate
13. Do you use any Adobe products? If yes, which ones? Yes, Acrobat
14. What primary software systems do you use? (Deployed Systems, Product Name, Vendor, Version, Contract end date & Number of licenses)
1. Human Resources – Supplier – MHR, product - iTrent, version - 10.39.02
2. Patient related N/A
3. Legal Services – For licencing - Supplier – IDOX, product – Uniform, version - 10.5.1
4. Email and Collaboration MS Exchange, 2013, 2100 licences
Contract details for the items above can be found here:-