EIR Request - Invasive Species

Request 101002803719

1. Do you have a program to poison/remove invasive plant species

2. If so, which invasive plant species are covered

3. What method of control do you use for each species

4. With what frequency do you treat them

5. How much has been spent on treating/removing invasive species for each of the last 3 years, by year

6. Do you have an envisaged allowance for spending on treating invasive species for 2021, and how much

Response 15-06-21

1. Do you have a program to poison/remove invasive plant species  Yes

2. If so, which invasive plant species are covered  The programme covers Giant Hogweed.  

3. What method of control do you use for each species Application of herbicide (glyphosate).

4. With what frequency do you treat them  Road verges: annually; Flood Alleviation Scheme areas: twice per year

5. How much has been spent on treating/removing invasive species for each of the last 3 years, by year  

2020/21: £5075.00
2019/20: £4997.27
2018/19: £6338.49

6. Do you have an envisaged allowance for spending on treating invasive species for 2021, and how much  £5062

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