EIR Request - Textile Recycling

Request 101002782927

1 - Does the council have an approved textile recycling partner(s)?
2 - If the answer to (1) above if YES then please confirm what is the name of the party?
3 - 2 - If the answer to (1) above if YES then please confirm by what process did the arrangement between council and it's approved contractor take place?
4 - If the answer to (3) above is a tendering process then please confirm when the arrangement commenced?
5 - if the answer to (4) above is a tendering process then please confirm the revenue (price per ton) which the council receives from this arrangement.
6 - What are the final destinations of the material which is collected under this arrangement?
7 - If this material is shipped abroad then please confirm whether material is sorted/sifted/graded in each event of shipment?

Response 20-05-21

1 - Yes

2 -

Nathans Wastesavers

3 - Original contract with Cat 1 textiles who were then taken over by Nathans.

4 - Tender now out of date, will be reviewed when current Covid restrictions lift

5 - Varies in line with current prices

6 - UK, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe

7 - All textiles are sorted and graded before shipment

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