FOI Request - Adult And Children Social Workers
Request 101002777288
1. How many adult social workers are at your council?
2. How many children social workers are at your council?
4. What was your training budget in 2019/2020 for adult social workers?
5. What was your training budget in 2019/2020 for children social workers?
8. What training courses did you commission in 2019/2020 for adult social workers?
a/ How many sessions of each course did you commission?
b/ What was the price per course?
c/ Who delivered each course?
d/ What was the method of delivery (e.g. face or face, online etc.)
9. What training courses did you commission in 2019/2020 for children social workers?
a/ How many sessions of each course did you commission?
b/ What was the price per course?
c/ Who delivered each course?
d/ What was the method of delivery (e.g. face or face, online etc.)
Do you have a dynamic purchasing system/training framework in place? If so, how does a training organisation join it?
Do you have a workforce development contact? If so, please provide their contact details.
Response 12-05-2021
1. The requested information is published by the Scottish social Services Council and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. 'information otherwise accessible'. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here.
2. As above.
4. The budget for social work training in 2019/20 was £54,000 which covered both adult and children’s social work plus social care. The general split for the budget between IJB and ICS as it was at that time was 60/40.
5. See above
8. None.
9. In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please be advised that this information is not held.
10. Organisational Development Manager,