FOI Request - Cremations And Burials
Request 101002766472
1/ Number of cremations conducted within the council area for each of the last 5 years (individually 2016-2020 (including 2020))
2/ Number of burials conducted within the council area for each of the last 5 years (individually 2016-2020 (including 2020))
Response 30-04-2021
1. Moray Council does not operate a crematorium and so in accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 we can confirm that this information is not held.
2. In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please be advised that information is collated and held for each financial year period and not each calendar year.
2020/21 - 509
2019/20 - 525
2018/12 - 525
2017/18 - 526
2016/17 - 528
2015/16 -604