FOI Request - Councillors Missing Council Tax Payments
Request 101002765715
In the 2020/21 council year
1) How many councillors were issued with reminders for missing council tax payments due in the 2020/21 council year?
2) How many councillors complied with the reminders to the point where no further action was required?
3) How many councillors were sent court summonses as a result of missing council tax payments due in the 2020/21 council year?
4) Of those identified in the answer to question 3, what was their name, political party and amount owed in each case?
5) Whose cases did not proceed to court and how were those cases resolved? (i.e. a payment plan entered into, deductions from member allowances, the full amount being paid off, etc)?
6) Whose cases went ahead in court?
7) Of those identified in the answer to question 6, what was the outcome of their case?
8) Were any councillors prohibited from voting on the council's budget at the relevant meeting (most councils hold this meeting in February or March) as a result of these matters?
9) If so, what was their name and political party? Note: It is irrelevant whether they turned up to the meeting or not: The principle laid down by legislation is that, had they turned up, they would not be allowed to vote.
Response 23-04-21
1) How many councillors were issued with reminders for missing council tax payments due in the 2020/21 council year?
Moray Council Response: one;
2) How many councillors complied with the reminders to the point where no further action was required?
Moray Council Response: one;
3) How many councillors were sent court summonses as a result of missing council tax payments due in the 2020/21 council year?
Moray Council Response: n/a. We do not issue court summonses;
4) Of those identified in the answer to question 3, what was their name, political party and amount owed in each case?
Moray Council Response: n/a. See answer to Q.3;
5) Whose cases did not proceed to court and how were those cases resolved? (i.e. a payment plan entered into, deductions from member allowances, the full amount being paid off, etc)?
Moray Council Response: n/a. See answer to Q.3;
6) Whose cases went ahead in court?
Moray Council Response: n/a. See answer to Q.3;
7) Of those identified in the answer to question 6, what was the outcome of their case?
Moray Council Response: n/a. See answer to Q.3;
8) Were any councillors prohibited from voting on the council's budget at the relevant meeting (most councils hold this meeting in February or March) as a result of these matters?
Moray Council Response: n/a. See answer to Q.3;
9) If so, what was their name and political party? Note: It is irrelevant whether they turned up to the meeting or not: The principle laid down by legislation is that, had they turned up, they would not be allowed to vote.
Moray Council Response: n/a. See answer to Q.3;