FOI Request - Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate Service

Request 101002762688

1. How many Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate Service (IDAAS) advocates (i.e. individuals holding a law degree who are trained and legally qualified solicitors who provide legal advice to clients under privileged attorney-client confidentiality) are currently employed by the Data Controller of this Council.

2. Of the IDAAS advocate posts/positions (i.e. individuals holding a law degree who are trained and legally qualified solicitors who provide legal advice to clients under privileged attorney-client confidentiality) that are currently post holder’s (at the time of this request) please advise how many posts/positions are funded by grants (or direct payments) from the Scottish Government and how many are funded solely from the Data Controller of this Council?

3. Regarding the IDAAS advocate posts/positions (i.e. individuals holding a law degree who are trained and legally qualified solicitors who provide legal advice to clients under privileged attorney-client confidentiality) that currently are a post holder (at the time of this request) please advise how many posts/positions are actually occupied by employees of other Data Controllers (e.g. third sector organisations or private law firms) and additionally funded by these other Data Controllers (in other words these IDAAS advocates are not formally recorded as council employees and paid by the council through PAYE)?

Response 23-04-21

1. 0

2. 0

3. 0

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