FOI Request - Homelessness Team

Request 101002759806

1. Is your Homelessness Team (often known as Housing Advice Service, Housing Options team etc) kept in house or subcontracted out to a charity/ private company?

2. How many staff are employed in that department?

3. Of those staff, how many are Housing Options Officers? (please include prevention officers, home visiting officers, reviews officers)

4. How many are managers within that team?

Response 23-04-21

1. Is your Homelessness Team (often known as Housing Advice Service, Housing Options team etc) kept in house or subcontracted out to a charity/ private company?

In house

2. How many staff are employed in that department?

10 officers comprising of 5 Housing Options Advisors and 5 Housing Needs Officers

3. Of those staff, how many are Housing Options Officers? (please include prevention officers, home visiting officers, reviews officers)

As above - 5

4. How many are managers within that team?


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