FOI Request - Vulnerable Adults
Request 101002755219
Regarding vulnerable adults (those with learning disabilities and/or challenging behaviour):
For each of the last ten years, please provide the following information:
1. How many people the is HSCP responsible for
2. Of those, what types of accommodation are they placed in
3. In each type of accommodation, what is the turnover rate? (that is, how long is the average stay)
Response 09-04-2021
1. The HSCP has only been around since 2016 so we can confirm, in accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, that information going back ten years is not held.
Population statistics are all published by the SCLD and are therefore exempt under section 25 of the Act. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here. Data from 2008 can be accessed from SCLD and contact details are available at the link provided.
2. Accommodation types are; houses of multiple occupancy supported by a service provider; individual tenancies either with the Moray Council's Housing Department or with a Housing Association. There is also one care home accommodating five people for people with an LD in Moray.
3. In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, please be advised that we do not maintain statistics about turnover rates in accommodation in Moray. In general people remain in their accommodation for many years and the turnover rate is very low.