FOI Request - Whistleblowing

Request 101002749467

1. How many reports did you receive from whistleblowers in 2019 and in 2020?
2. How many people do you have in your organisation that are trained/permitted to take reports from whistleblowers?
3. What training have the people in question number 2 received in whistleblowing?
4. What cost, if any, was there for this training?
5. Which organisation delivered each course?
6. What is the name of the person that arranged this training and what is their email address?
7. What methods do you have for whistleblowers to contact a person that is authorised to take their report and what are the specific details of these, i.e., email addresses, telephone numbers etc?
8. What are the email addresses for the people authorised to receive whistleblower reports?
9. How many whistleblowers have left the organisation within 12 months of making a report?
10. How many whistleblowers have made an allegation of ‘detriment’ against your organisation?

Response 09-04-21

1. How many reports did you receive from whistleblowers in 2019 and in 2020? 

Due to the low numbers associated with this response, this information is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information.

2. How many people do you have in your organisation that are trained/permitted to take reports from whistleblowers?  

The Head of HR, ICT and Organisational Development is the Council's Confidential Reporting Officer and the Internal Audit Manager has specific responsibility in terms of possible fraud or corruption, however, employees are encouraged to raise concerns with their immediate manager or their superior where possible depending on the seriousness and sensitivity of the issues involved and who is suspected of malpractice.

3. What training have the people in question number 2 received in whistleblowing?   

There is no specific whistleblowing training however the skills and competencies required to effectively take reports from people are transferable from the professional aspects of their normal and management roles for which training is provided, for example in relation to people management policies and practices. The Council's Whistleblowing policy - accessible here - provides a clear process to be followed by all parties.

4. What cost, if any, was there for this training?   N/A

5. Which organisation delivered each course?   N/A

6. What is the name of the person that arranged this training and what is their email address?   N/A

7. What methods do you have for whistleblowers to contact a person that is authorised to take their report and what are the specific details of these, i.e., email addresses, telephone numbers etc?  

Contained within policy which can be viewed here.

8. What are the email addresses for the people authorised to receive whistleblower reports?  

Normal work email addresses.

9. How many whistleblowers have left the organisation within 12 months of making a report?

 Due to the low numbers associated with this response, this information is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information.

10. How many whistleblowers have made an allegation of 'detriment' against your organisation?  

Under Section 18 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, we neither confirm or deny whether this information is held. If it were held, it would likely be exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information - due to low numbers. 

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