FOI Request - COVID 19 Workplace Outbreaks
Request 101002745386
1. Please provide details of the number of COVID 19 workplace outbreaks where the relevant Incident Management Teams have included Environmental Health Officers from your authority in its membership?
2. Please provide the number of outbreaks where you have been involved in IMTs that have included physical workplace investigation involving your EHOs on matters concerning occupational health and safety related to COVID 19?
3. Following any investigations involving a workplace involving an inspection please provide details of the following,
1. Number of improvement notices issued
2. Number of prohibition notices issued
3. Number of employers referred to COPFS
4. Following any such inspections how many letters have been issued under Section 28(8) of the Health and Safety at Work Act to
1. Trade unions
2. Employees via their employers where there is not trade union recognition
Response 09-04-21
Q1. 2