FOI Request - Provision of Services

Request 101002745309

I’d like to request some information in regards to the following services.
Listed Services:
a) Laundry equipment supply, maintenance and install.
b) Fire equipment supply, maintenance and install and provision of Fire Risk Assessments / consultancy.
c) HVAC equipment supply, maintenance and install.

1)Please confirm your annual spend for the listed services showing a breakdown of contract value and any additional ad-hoc spend for the previous 3 years.

2) Please confirm where services have been won through a tender or bid process or awarded via framework.
i) Please confirm the incumbent supplier and expected retender date.
ii) Please confirm the portal or tender forum you advertise/promote such works through.

3) Please confirm the name and contact details of the person responsible for procurement of the above services.

Response 12-04-2021

a) NIL

                             2018/19              2019/20              2020/21
Fire Equipment      £107,828.26          £89,919.52          £86,370.04
HVAC                  £154,790.64          £134,014.68          £114,917.74


i) • Fire equipment supply and maintenance Competitive tender Moray Fire contract expires 31.12.21
• HVAC equipment supply and maintenance Competitive tender Atalian Servest contract expires 30.09.21

ii) Public Contract Scotland

3) Property Resources Manager -

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