FOI Request - Disabled Council House Waiting List

Request 101002719392

Please could I request the following under the freedom of information legislation.

a) The number of disabled people currently on the housing waiting list in the council.

b) The average wait time for a disabled person from joining the council waiting list until they are suitably housed – please supply for those who have so far been housed in 2020-21 and if that data is not available yet for those housed in 2019-20.

c) The longest case of a disabled person, who is currently waiting, being on the housing waiting list. Can this be provided by giving the date they joined the council housing waiting list.

Response 22.03.21

The information provided for this FOI should only be used as an estimate. When disability status is gathered, this is the person’s perception of whether they have a disability and this may or may not have an impact on their current housing situation.  It relies on the person being willing to disclose this information and could include a range of conditions from mobility issues/physical disabilities, learning disabilities to mental health conditions. The information provided only relates to the main applicant/tenant. It is also important to note that a person’s disability status could change at any point so for example this may occur after the application is made or after the tenancy is allocated.

a)                The number of disabled people currently on the housing waiting list in the council.

      By ‘housing waiting list’ we have assumed that you mean our overall housing list which includes applicants from our waiting list, transfer list and homeless list.
      As at 2 March 2021 the number of disabled applicants is 125.

b)               The average wait time for a disabled person from joining the council waiting list until they are suitably housed ? please supply for those who have so far been housed in 2020-21 and if that data is not available yet for those housed in 2019-20.

       The average waiting time for those with a disability was:
•        498 days from the date of application for tenancies created in 2019/20.

We allocate homes to those in the greatest housing need. The amount of time spent on the list is not taken into consideration under our current allocations policy.  More information on our allocations policy can be found on our website at:

c)                The longest case of a disabled person, who is currently waiting, being on the housing waiting list. Can this be provided by giving the date they joined the council housing waiting list.
Disclosure of this information could lead to the identification of individuals and so it is exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, personal information.

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