FOI Request - Nuisance And Noise Complaints
Request 101002705718
Please could you provide the following:
1. The number of noise, nuisance or anti-social behaviour complaints made against neighbours between January 1st 2016 – December 31st 2020.
I would only like domestic incidents, not commercial (pubs, clubs etc.).
2. Details on the nature or reasoning behind each complaint.
Please provide the information in an Excel spreadsheet, with the date of the complaint and the town where the complaint was made.
Response 12.03.21
Please see document located here which details date, location and type of 2035 complaints received between 1st January 2016 and 1st December 2020.
Please note, specific details regarding the nature of each complaint are exempt from release under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information Relating to a Third Party.