EIR Request - Electric Vehicles
Request 101002699865
1. The number of publicly installed electric vehicle charging points installed in each of the last five financial years - a) 2020-2021, b) 2019-2020, c) 2018-2019, d)2017-2018, and e) 2016-2017
2. The total number of publicly installed electric vehicle charging points across the local authority to date.
3. A copy of a formal plan to increase the number of charging points.
Response 05.03.21
a) 4
b) 12
c) 1
d) 2
e) 0
2) 23 Publicly Accessible Chargers installed using Transport Scotland Grant Funding
3) No formal plan at this time as funding is allocated on a yearly basis and is not guaranteed by Transport Scotland. This information is therefore subject to exclusion 10(4)(a) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 - Information Not Held.