FOI Request - Europe

Request 101002699184

Please send me:
1. The i) number of projects, and ii) the cost for each project, that received funding from EU sources in each of the last five financial years  - a) 2020-2021, b) 2019-2020, c) 2018-2019, d) 2017-2018, and e) 2016-2017.

2. The total funding received from EU sources in each of the last five financial years  - a) 2020-2021, b) 2019-2020, c) 2018-2019, d)2017-2018, and e) 2016-2017.

Response 11.03.21

Two projects during that period. Costs and EU grant as follows:

16/17 spend 27,993

17/18 spend 202,333

18/19 spend 169,384

19/20 spend 278,485

20/21 spend (budget) 347,585

Please note, the above does not include one project claimed for but not yet received.

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