FOI Request - Flood Risk Assessments

Request 101002696328

-I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please may you provide me with the following where in existence, and provide all versions where there have been updates undertaken:

1. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Level 1, inclusive of all accompanying Appendices, associated drawings and addendums.
2. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Level 2, inclusive of all accompanying Appendices associated drawings and addendums.
3. Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment - - inclusive of all accompanying Appendices associated drawings and addendums.
4. Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - inclusive of all accompanying Appendices associated drawings and addendums..
5. Critical Drainage Area report or associated maps
6. Post flood investigations report - inclusive of all accompanying Appendices associated drawings and addendums.
7. Surface Water Management Plan - inclusive of all accompanying Appendices associated drawings and addendums.

Please provide the information in the form of pdf/word document, and any associated mapping in GIS format where available.

I am aware of this information being partly available on your website however these versions do not always include all Appendices or accompanying drawings, which we would like to please obtain.

Clarification 10.02.21: Would it be possible for you to supply me with any flood risk documents under the Scottish flood risk management act? I am looking for any relevant documents you may have that is under the 2009 act.

Response 19.02.21

For the the Flood Risk Strategies for the Moray areas can be found here :-

The Local Flood Risk Managements Plans associated with these Strategies can be found here;-

The National Flood Risk assessment can be found here

Moray Council are currently compiling our surface water management plans. As they are not held at the moment, this information is exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - information not held. They will become available at a future date. 

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