FOI Request - Bins, Grit and Reserves

Request 101002692674

1. How much money has your council spent on residential refuse/waste collection in the past five years, broken down by year?
2. How much money has your council spent on purchasing or obtaining grit or other materials for gritting and de-icing roads and pavements in the last five years, broken down by year?
3. How much money does your council currently have in its financial reserves? And how much does that compare to for each of the previous five years?

Response 25.02.21


Year          £
15-16      2,723,301
16-17      2,601,554
17-18     2,687,453
18-19      2,798,813
19-20      2,847,066


2015/16      £405,824.10
2016/17      £369,258.38
2017/18      £569,115.57
2018/19      £452,337.12
2019/20      £427,621.50


This information is exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - information otherwise accessible. Please see the Audited Annual Accounts information on the Moray Council website:

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