FOI Request - Female Specific Substance Misuse Treatment

Request 101002668210

This request relates to the provision of female specific, free to use substance misuse treatment within Moray Council’s local authority area. Please see the below definitions to help inform Moray Council’s response:
• A free to use substance misuse service is a service that provides free treatment, support and/or advice to people affected by substance misuse.
• A female specific, free to use substance misuse service only provides treatment, support and/or advice to people who are female.
• A female specific space/programme within a broader free to use substance misuse service is an intervention/pathway that only people who are female can access. For example - a women only support group.
With the above in mind, please can Moray Council respond to the following questions in keeping with freedom of information legislation:
1. What free to use substance misuse services are available to people (both men and women) in Moray Council’s local authority area? Please list all the services.
2. Are any of the services listed in question 1 female specific?
3. Do any of the services listed in question 1 provide female specific spaces/programmes within a broader service? If yes please provide details of the female specific spaces/programmes offered.

Response 26.01.21

1          What free to use substance misuse services are available to people (both men and women) in Moray Council's local authority area? Please list all the services.
Arrows – a Quarriers  Service. The main third sector provider. Working in partnership with the Moray Integrated Alcohol and Drug Services – the public sector provider.  The two agencies work directly together to provide the Moray Alcohol and Drug Service.

2          Are any of the services listed in question 1 female specific?
We do not have any female only/specific services.

3          Do any of the services listed in question 1 provide female specific spaces/programmes within a broader service? If yes please provide details of the female specific spaces/programmes offered.
Services (prior to COVID) ran gender based groups. Services will provide female staff for a females who use the service.

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