FOI Request - Care Planning

Request 101002653768

1. How do you currently handle care planning in your care homes - electronically or on paper?  
2. If you you’re using electronic care planning, who is the current supplier, what is the value of the contract and when will the contact expire?
3. If you use paper for care planning, do you have any plans for public tender within the next 12 months?
4. What are the contact details of the procurement officer?

By care planning I mean the plans of care provision in case you provide social care support in residential care, supported living, domiciliary care, or similar social care settings. This would encompass risk assessments and support plans such as nutritional care plans, mobility care plans, amongst others.

Response 22.01.21

1. How do you currently handle care planning in your care homes - electronically or on paper?  All internal services do not use an electronic care planning system (paper using Microsoft WORD/EXCEL)
2. If you you're using electronic care planning, who is the current supplier, what is the value of the contract and when will the contact expire? N/A
3. If you use paper for care planning, do you have any plans for public tender within the next 12 months? Not at the moment.
4. What are the contact details of the procurement officer? No procurement officer assigned as we do not have a current system in place.

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