FOI Request - Pupil Covid Attendance
Request 101002663636
• In Primary and Secondary schools in this local authority, are pupils marked as being in attendance if they are self-isolating for COVID-19 related reasons?
• In Primary and Secondary school in this local authority, are teachers marked as being in attendance if they are self-isolating due to COVID-19 related reasons?
• If the answer to either of the above questions is yes, then please provide details of when a pupil or teacher would be marked as absent from school for COVID-19 related reasons.
In both cases, I am referring to the attendance data that is used to compile Scotland-wide school attendance data and absences due to COVID-19, as presented here:!/vizhome/COVID19-SchoolsandChildcareInformation/Introduction
Response 8.01.21
1. All local authorities follow Scottish Government attendance and absence guidance. A pupil will be recorded as in attendance if they are scheduled to be in school but cannot attend because of self-isolation related to COVID-19 and can undertake learning at home. This includes those pupils who are asked to self-isolate, who are required to quarantine, and those who are asked to shield at level 4. A pupil will be recorded as authorised absence if they are scheduled to be in school but cannot attend because of self-isolation related to COVID-19 and is unable to undertake learning at home. This includes those pupils who are asked to self-isolate, who are required to quarantine, and those who are asked to shield at level 4.
2. All authorities complete a weekly survey for Scottish Government in relation to school staff absence. We report on a weekly basis the number absent with confirmed Covid-19 or with symptoms of Covid-19; and the number staff who do not have confirmed Covid-19 or who have not displayed any Covid-19 symptoms but are absent because they are self-isolating, are isolating due to instructions from the contact tracing team, are shielding, quarantining, are looking after someone due to Covid-19 (e.g. their child).