FOI Request - Children With Learning Disabilities

Request 101002661403

1. How many children with learning disabilities (as differentiated from specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia) aged three and four in the local authority area were eligible for 600 hours of funded early learning and childcare at the time of the Early Learning and Childcare Census in September 2019?
2. Of those three and four year olds with learning disabilities aged three and four who were eligible, how many were registered with early learning and childcare providers at the time of the Early Learning and Childcare Census in 2019?

If numbers are so small as to be disclosive, or you are unable to provide exact numbers, I am happy to receive an estimate detailing the percentage of children with learning disabilities aged three and four who were registered with early learning and childcare providers in September 2019 of those who were eligible.  

Response 8.01.21

1. All children with learning disabilities aged three and four in the local authority area were eligible for 600 hours of funded early learning and childcare at the time of the Early Learning and Childcare Census in September 2019, as eligibility is based on date of birth.
2. There were 190 children with additional support needs as at the September 2019 early learning and childcare census; and 180 as at the September 2020 census.

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