FOI Request - Mobile Phone Contract Details

Request 101002661153

In accordance with the Freedom Of Information Act can you please provide the following information:

1. Main contact details of the person responsible for this at your council.
2. Who is your mobile phone network supplier
3. Is your agreement directly with the network or a 3rd party supplier, if 3rd party please supply details.
4. Number of Mobile Phone Numbers (MPN’s) in the agreement.
5. How much data usage do you have.
6. How much spend per month.
7. Agreement renewal date

Response 18.01.21

1.         Main contact details of the person responsible for this at your council - ICT Infrastructure Manager -
2.         Who is your mobile phone network supplier - EE
3.         Is your agreement directly with the network or a 3rd party supplier, if 3rd party please supply details - Direct
4.         Number of Mobile Phone Numbers (MPN's) in the agreement – circa 2360
5.         How much data usage do you have – 1TB from last bill
6.         How much spend per month - £8,500 from last bill
7.         Agreement renewal date – July 2022

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