FOI Request - Contact Details

Request 101002633348

I am looking for email addresses and phone numbers for the following people in your organisation:

Job Title
1. NEETS Team manager (Not in Employment, Education or Training) 

2. Getting young people back into work manager 

3. Care leaver team manager 

4. Director or Transport 

5. Director of Environment 

6. Director of Technology

Response 04-12-2020

Please see the closest posts listed below: 

1 & 2  Amy Cruickshank, Opportunities for All Officer Email:  Phone: 01343 563108

1, 2 & 3. Donna Borek, Placement Services Team Manager Email: Phone: 01343 563562  

4 & 5. Rhona Gunn, Depute Chief Exec.Economy, Environment & Finance Email: Phone: 01343 563152

6. Denise Whitworth, Depute Chief Exec.Education, Communities & OD Email: Phone: 01343 563060

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