FOI Request - Supply Teachers

Request 101002626168

1. The total amount spent by this local authority on supply teachers for each of the five previous academic years.
2. The total number of supply teachers used in each of the five previous academic years.

Response 25-11-2020

1. The below figures reflect supply costs within education and are not restricted to supply costs in schools. They also include supply for additional support needs as well as supply costs incurred as a result of additional grant funding.

2015-16 - £ 3,617,079

2016-17 - £2,149,814

2017-18 - £1,852,073

2018-19 - £2,113,691

2019-20 - £2,915,274

2. In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 we can confirm that this information is not held. 

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