FOI Request - Empty Properties

Request 101002621333

Could you kindly provide me with:
a)       The total number of empty residential properties within your council boundaries currently. I am requesting information in regards to both council owned residential property/social housing and privately owned housing where available.
b)      The above split by the reasons that they are empty, other councils have provided reasons such as:
Unoccupied & furnished
Unoccupied & unfurnished           
Unoccupied awaiting probate                                                 
Unoccupied after probate
Waiting to be removed from the list
Unoccupied Annexes
Empty boat/caravan
Mortgagee in possession
Unoccupied held for a Minister of religion
Unoccupied due to receiving care
Occupation prohibited by law
Owner detained elsewhere

Response 18-11-2020

a) As at 30th September there were a 2620 empty residential properties within Moray.

71 - Unoccupied Agricultural Property
751 - 2nd/Holiday Home
15 - Purpose Built Holiday Home
20 - Tied Accommodation
5 - Bankruptcy
230 - Empty Property Discount - 6 Months maximum
210 - Long Term Empty Property Discount
57 - Post Purchase Discount
4 - Empty Property for Rent
33 - Empty Property for Sale
15 - Subject to Demolition Order
9 - Deceased - Grant of Confirmation Obtained
298 - Deceased - No Grant of Confirmation Obtained
49 - Person in Hospital / Home
2 - Awaiting Demolition
488 - Long Term Empty - Subject to Levy
11 - Vacant Manse
1 - Vacant New Property
116 - Occupancy Prohibited by Law
11 - Property Empty due to Liable person being a prisoner
3 - Property under reconstruction - maximum 12 months
2 - Property Repossessed
7 - Vacant for Care Purposes
212 - Vacant and Unoccupied

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