FOI Request - National Transfer Scheme

Request 101002618433

How many unaccompanied asylum seeking children has your council volunteered to support since the beginning of The National Transfer Scheme?

Please could you break your answer down into each individual month since the scheme was created from July 2017 - September 2020. E.g. July 2017, August 2017, September 2017, October 2017 etc. until September 2020.

The National Transfer Scheme was launched to encourage all local authorities to volunteer to support unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC)

In support of the scheme, the government increased funding for UASC from £24,675 to £41,610

Please follow this link for more information

Children count as under 18.

Response 13.11.20

As the response to this request is less than 5, this request is exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - personal information. Individuals may be able to be identified were a response to be released. 

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