FOI Request - Contract Tracing

Request 101002617247

1) Has your local authority launched its own contact tracing operation?

If so:
2) When did it launch?
3) Has it operated continuously since launching?
4) If not, what periods has it ceased operating?
5) How many people are working on it?
6) How many of those are paid?
7) And how many are volunteers?
8) Have they been recruited from other local authority teams? If so, which?
9) How many people with coronavirus are they contacting to gather their contacts? Please provide the numbers for Monday 12th, Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th October
10) How many of those contacted’s close contacts are successfully being contacted and told to isolate and get a test? Please provide the numbers for Monday 12th, Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th October
11) What is the total spend to date on your local authority’s contact tracing service and team?
12) What is the total budget for your local authority’s contact tracing service and team?

If not
13) Are there plans for a contact tracing service to be set up?
14) If so, when is the aim to launch it by?
15) If applicable, how much budget has been allocated for it?
16) If applicable, how many staff are earmarked to work on it and from which teams?

Please let me know within a reasonable timeframe, well before the 20 working days, if any clarifications or problems arise with this request.

If the total cost of answering this request exceeds the threshold at which it can be done for free, then please only answer questions: 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, OR 13, 14, 15, 16.

Response 11-11-2020

Contact tracing for COVID 19 in Scotland is carried out by the NHS. Environmental Health Officers are trained in contact tracing but are not currently used as the NHS have sufficient resources to implement contact tracing in this area.

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