FOI Request - Job Interview Expenses

Request 101002606344

I would be very grateful if you could please supply me with details of any policy which Moray Council may have in regard to the extent to which the Council might reimburse expenses incurred by candidates invited to be interviewed for jobs at Moray Council.

Response 26-10-2020

Please find relevant extracts from our Recruitment & Selection Procedure and Interview Expenses Claim Form below. 

Recruitment & Selection Procedure:

3.4 Expenses

Candidates called for interview will be reimbursed travel expenses on the basis of second class travel to the location of the interview.  Where it is impractical for rail travel, applicants should be paid at the public transport mileage rate.  Details of current allowances are in the Relocation Scheme, available on the intranet.

Interview Expenses Claim Form:


The Council will reimburse the actual expenditure reasonably incurred in attending for interview.

Your claim should be supported by receipts where applicable.

In the event of a candidate withdrawing his or her application or refusing an offer of employment on the grounds which, in the opinion of the interviewing panel are inadequate, the Council reserves the right to withhold reimbursement of expenses incurred.

Subsistence claims must not exceed the current NJC conditions of service rates as listed below.

ALLOWANCES (ref to SO/213)

Breakfast £4.48
Lunch £6.17
Tea £2.43
Evening Meal £7.64
Mileage Rate 7.846p (per mile)

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