FOI Request - Postal Services

Request 101002592293

1. Your postal spend in 2019 and projected spend for 2020 /2021 on the following - exact costs where possible or if unavailable please provide estimated costs –
• Stamps
• Franking
• Royal Mail on line services
• Royal Mail Postage Paid Impressions ( PPI )
2. If using a franking system, please specify supplier and model
3. Is the equipment owned or leased through the supplier or 3rd party finance house
4. If the equipment is owned outright - the month, year and cost of purchase plus the annual maintenance and consumable costs
5. If the equipment is leased - the month, year and term of lease plus quarterly / annual costs including maintenance and consumable costs
6. What is the typical decision process within your organisation for mail and postal services ?
7. Who is ultimately responsible for making decisions such as the allocation of contracts for postal equipment and expenditure ?
8. Are you mandated to procure through a framework agreement and if so the name of the framework  

Response 12-10-2020


Stamps:   In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please be advised that we do not budget by individual items of postage. 

The total postage costs cannot be broken down to the lines required – for 2019/20 is £175,459.

The total postage projected spend for 2020/21 is £213,330.

Franking:           2019/20 Royal Mail         £24218                  2020/21  Royal Mail        £19318 approx
                                               2019/20 Whistl                 £66896                  2020/21  Whistl                £44530 approx
                                               2019/20  DX                       £1372                    2020/21  DX                       £1432
Royal Mail on line services:  N/A

Royal Mail Postage Paid Impressions ( PPI ):                          

2019/20   £6520
2020/21   £5542 approx

2.            NCS FP Postbase 10

3.            Yes, NCS Ltd

4.            N/A

5.            Lease runs from 16th May annually and is charged quarterly @ £980 per quarter
               Annual maintenance costs =  £1068
               Annual consumables =  £400

6.            Normal Procurement process
7.            Based on Procurement outcomes - currently Customer Contact Manager
8.            No

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