FOI Request - Contact with Schoolhouse

Request 101002589090

I wish to know what official contact the charity schoolhouse has had with Moray Education in the last 5 years.
This is contact initiated by the charity in relation to Home Education.

Schoolhouse claim on the Enquire website and their own website that:
"we provide training on all aspects of elective home education to other agencies."
In their constitution they claim to " advance the education of children by the provision of home education services and associated facilities and to advance the education of the public in the matter of home education"

Please confirm what training/advice schoolhouse have provided Moray Council staff n the last 5 years

Please also state what this training consisted of and how the training was conducted. Was it in relation to best practice or if not please state the nature of the contact Please also confirm if at any point in the last 5 years if Schoolhouse have reported membership feedback to Moray Council in order to ensure best practice and improve standards.

Response 02-10-2020

In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 we can confirm that:

 Moray Council has not received any training/advice from Schoolhouse in the last 5 years.

Schoolhouse have not reported membership feedback to Moray Council in the last 5 years.

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