FOI Request - Covid-19 Financial Assessments

Request 101002506039

My request relates to financial assessments for care and support, and is crucial to my work investigating the Covid-19 pandemic. My request is as follows.

1a) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried out by the council on an individual, face to face, between 25.12.2019 - 25.02.2020?

1b) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried by the council on an individual, face to face between 25.02.2020 - 25.04.2020?

2a) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried out on an individual by the Council in some way other than face to face (e.g online) between 25.12.2019 - 25.02.2020?

2b) How many financial assessments (means tests for care and support) were carried out on an individual by the Council in some way other than face to face (e.g online) between 25.02.2020 - 25.04.2020?

3a) How many people employed by the council as social workers or social care workers have had to either take sick leave, or have been unable to go into work for a period of time lasting over one week due to Covid-19, up until 25.04.2020.
If you are unable to provide numbers for people indirectly employed by the council, please provide numbers on staff directly employed by the council.

3b) Please could you give this number as a percentage of the total workforce.

If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within the designated time frame, I would be grateful if you could either contact me on how to refine that request, or ideally, focus just on parts 1a, 1b, 3a and 3b of the request that order of priority. I appreciate LAs are under a lot of pressure at the moment, so refining in this way could save time carrying out this request, or having to process a new request.

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