FOI Request - Computing Teachers in Schools
Request 101002420911
1. How many Computing teachers currently work in each secondary school in your local authority?
NB I want to know about qualified teachers of Computing currently delivering Computing Science or related Computing subjects (CS), not teachers of Business Studies or Administration.
Please give the name of each secondary school in the local authority and the number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Computing teachers in that school. Importantly, if there are no Computing teachers in a school, please give the school name and state the FTE as 0.
2. If a school no longer has qualified teachers teaching CS, or a Computing department, then please give the reason for this decision.
3. If a school no longer has qualified teachers teaching CS, or a Computing department, then please state how the Computing Science outcomes in the Broad General Education (BGE) are delivered by the school.
4. How many Computing teacher vacancies have there been in your local authority in the last year and how many of these have been filled? If you have had any issues or problems recruiting Computing teachers, please state what they were.
5. At any point in the last year in your local authority have you had any problems getting a qualified Computing supply teacher for any of the schools in your council?
To assist with this FOI request, here is a suggested format for the information about each secondary school in your local authority:-
School name:
Number of qualified Computing teachers (as FTE):
If number = 0, then explanation why:
If number of teachers = 0 then how is Computing Science taught in BGE?:
Here is a suggested format for the information about your local authority that does not require broken down by school:-
Number of Computing teacher vacancies in 2018-19:
Number of the above vacancies filled:
Any problems recruiting Computing teachers? Yes / No / Not applicable If Yes, nature of problem(s):
Problems getting Computing supply teachers: Yes / No
Response 18-03-2020
Please find the requested information attached here.