FOI Request - Departures 2018/19

Request 101002405033

Regarding the table below*, for 2018/2019, please provide details on the specific roles, exit package and justification for all bands greater than £100k.

* [The table was taken from The Moray Council annual accounts 2018-19 page 28, published here. See "Table 7: Exit Packages"]

Response 10-03-2020

Due to the low numbers involved, disclosure could lead to the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, personal information. 

To expand on the description provided in the annual accounts, the exit packages consist of redundancy costs, settlement costs for loss of employment and payments to the pension fund for early retirement.  The bandings are split against the total cost of these elements e.g. a member of staff may have redundancy costs of £5k and a payment to the pension fund of £16k,  they would be included under the banding £20,001 - £40,000 as their total package would be £21k.  The table doesn’t include how much salary they have been paid as this is not part of an employee’s exit package.

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