FOI Request - Accessible Formats
Request 101002400701
Please send me:
1. Over the past 5 years (up to and including 2018/ 2019), please can you tell me your budget for ensuring your information is accessible to all residents i.e. those with visual impairment, dyslexia, print impairment?
2. Over the past 5 years (up to and including 2018/ 2019), please can you tell me your spend for ensuring your information is accessible to all residents, i.e. those with visual impairment, dyslexia, print impairment?
3. Do you offer information to your residents in accessible formats such as Large Format Print?
4. Do you offer information to your residents in accessible formats such as Accessible PDFs?
5. Do you offer information to your residents in accessible formats such as Braille?
6. How many requests do you get per month for information in accessible formats such as Large Format Print?
7. How many requests do you get per month for information in accessible formats such as Accessible PDFs?
8. How many requests do you get per month for information in accessible formats such as Braille?
9. Which is the most popular accessible format for information requests?
10. What is the department and job title for the person responsible for organising and sourcing accessible materials for these requests?
11. Do you produce these accessible materials internally?
12. If you don’t produce this information internally, who do you outsource these requests to and what do they charge you?
Response 03-03-2020
1 Over the past 5 years (up to and including 2018/ 2019), please can you tell me your budget for ensuring your information is accessible to all residents i.e. those with visual impairment, dyslexia, print impairment?
We have only total figures for interpretation and translation (which include alternative formats)
2018/19 £16,545
2017/18 £34,614
2016/17 £60,805
2015/16 £29,555
2014/15 £16,735
2 Over the past 5 years (up to and including 2018/ 2019), please can you tell me your spend for ensuring your information is accessible to all residents, i.e. those with visual impairment, dyslexia, print impairment?
We have only total figures for interpretation and translation (which include alternative formats)
2018/19 £24,635
2017/18 £51,163
2016/17 £68,583
2015/16 £29,950
2014/15 £16,872
3 Do you offer information to your residents in accessible formats such as Large Format Print?
This is made available upon request.
4 Do you offer information to your residents in accessible formats such as Accessible PDFs?
This is made available upon request.
5 Do you offer information to your residents in accessible formats such as Braille?
This is made available upon request.
6 How many requests do you get per month for information in accessible formats such as Large Format Print?
This information is not held, and is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
7 How many requests do you get per month for information in accessible formats such as Accessible PDFs?
This information is not held, and is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
8 How many requests do you get per month for information in accessible formats such as Braille?
I have no information available.
9 Which is the most popular accessible format for information requests?
This information is not held, and is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
10 What is the department and job title for the person responsible for organising and sourcing accessible materials for these requests?
Each service is responsible for sourcing accessible materials. Where necessary they take advice from the Equal Opportunities Officer who works for Education, Communities and Organisational Development
11 Do you produce these accessible materials internally?
We produce large print internally. Services have been advised to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) when scanning documents or to convert documents from Word directly to PDF.
12 If you don't produce this information internally, who do you outsource these requests to and what do they charge you?
Braille or various forms of audio formats are produced by North East Sensory Services. NESS also provide transcription services for people who cannot access written materials; and
access to BSL/ English interpreters, lipspeakers or notetakers. These are provided as part of their contract with Moray Council - there is not an individual charge for these services.