FOI Request - School Trips

Request 101002392223

For the most recent two full years available please provide:

1. A list of all secondary school trips for destinations abroad (outside the UK) and when these took place
2. A list of primary and secondary trips to London and when these took place
3. Set out what years groups these trips were for, e.g Paris for S2 pupils and the duration each trip lasted
4. Say what the purpose was in each case, e.g S4 pupils went to Battlefields to enhance their knowledge of WW1
5. What the cost was in each case for pupils to take part. This should be the standard rate issued for a trip and not include any optional extras. For example, a ski trip cost £800 per pupil, but pupils may have the option to alter snowboarding for an additional fee. In these cases, please only provide the base cost.
6. If possible, please also state how many pupils attended each trip
7. Travel provider used, if known

Response 17-03-2020

Please find the requested information attached here

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