FOI Request - Procurement Contracts

Request 101002373188

1. A full list of vehicles owned or leased by the local authority:
For each vehicle please include the following:
a) The make and model of vehicle
b) If the vehicle is owned or leased
c) Which team or department the vehicle is primarily used by
d) Which location the vehicle is primarily based at
e) When the procurement contract for this vehicle is set to expire or be renewed.
f) The date when the next cycle of vehicle procurement will begin or if this is an ongoing process.

2. Refuse and recycling services:
a) Does your local authority have responsibility for delivering recycling and refuse services (e.g. bins)?
b) If so, is that service delivered in-house by the council or outsourced to a contractor/contractors?
c) If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor or contractors delivering the service.
d) When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.

3. Road maintenance and street lighting:
a) Does your local authority have responsibility for delivering road maintenance services and street lighting services?
b) If so, is that service delivered in-house by the council or outsourced to a contractor/contractors?
c) If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor or contractors delivering the service.
d) When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.

4. Leisure centre services:
a) Does your local authority have responsibility for delivering leisure centre services?
b) If so, is that service delivered in-house by the council or outsourced to a contractor/contractors?
c) If outsourced, please provide the name of the contractor or contractors delivering the service.
d) When the procurement contract for this service is set to expire or be renewed and whether there are any break clauses or dates within the contract.

5. Can you send us a link to your Social Value and/or Procurement Policies

Response 12-02-2020

1. a) to d) Please find the requested information attached here

e) All outright purchased vehicles are sourced through Scotland Excel frameworks. The end date for the small number of leases is on the spreadsheet. On reaching the end date a decision will be made as to whether to replace the vehicle at all and if so whether it will be by lease or outright purchase 

f) Vehicle and plant replacement is an ongoing process but the 10 year rolling programme is reviewed each financial year.

2. a) Yes

b) In-house service for waste, recycling and recycling centres

3. a) Yes

b) In-house

4. a) Yes
b) In-house

5. This information is published on our website and so is exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002; information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here

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