FOI Request - Local Welfare Assistance Scheme

Request 101002362019

1. Does your authority still maintain a Local Welfare Assistance scheme?

a) If yes, for the last 12 months for which figures are available please answer the following questions;

i. What proportion of applications were from female headed BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) backgrounds?
ii. What proportion of applications were made by women?
iii. What proportion of applications were made by lone parents?
iv. What proportion of applicants were from BME backgrounds?
v. What proportion of applicants from each group were made an award of any kind under the scheme?

b) If no, which was the last 12 month period for which your scheme operated? For that last period please provide the following information;

i. What proportion of applications were from female headed BME backgrounds?
ii. What proportion of applications were made by women?
iii. What proportion of applications were made by lone parents?
iv. What proportion of applicants were from BME backgrounds?
v. What proportion of applicants from each group were made an award of any kind under the scheme?

2. In your area, what proportion of residents are from female headed BME backgrounds?

Response 28-01-2020

1. Yes, all 32 Scottish local authorities are requires to maintain a welfare fund on behalf of the Scottish Government.

a) In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, please be advised that we do not hold the information in the format requested. In order to be helpful, please find the data we do hold below, as we are required to collect it by the Scottish Government for the period October 2018 to September 2019.

Main applicant's ethnicity:

White 3127
BME 43

Household type of those applying:

Single Person 1747
Single Parent 759
Couple 171
Couple with Children 254
Other 174
Other with Children 76

Gender of main applicants:

Male 1608
Female 1585

b) n/a

2.  In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, please be advised that this information is not held. However, in order to be helpful we can advise that data from the 2011 Census  shows that 0.15% of households in Moray have a BME Household Reference Person (HRP).

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