Polling District and Place Review

The Council has a duty under the Representation of the People Act 1983 to conduct a review of all the Polling Districts and Polling Places in its area from time to time. The 2024 review was delayed due to the General Election in July and subsequent by-election in November but is now underway and the first stage will be concluded on 7 March 2025.

Stage 1 of the review has now completed and the comments received are shown below:

Stakeholder consultation response

Polling Place consultation response

What are we reviewing?

We are carrying out a review to decide the polling districts and polling places that will be used at future elections. The council has a duty under the Representation of the People Act 1983 to divide the area into polling districts and to designate polling places for each district.

The review requires the council to:

  • make sure that, as far as possible, all voters in the constituency have reasonable facilities for voting
  • make sure that, as far as possible, the polling stations we manage are accessible to everyone.  When choosing a polling place, we need to consider the accessibility needs of people with disabilities.

Please note this review does not cover the changing of ward or constituency boundaries, these boundaries are determined by the Boundary Commission for Scotland.

Current Polling Places and Polling Districts

If you require the maps or information in another format please contact the Election Office using the details noted below.

Review Process

  1. First stage public consultation inviting comments on the current Polling Places and Polling Districts in operation - closed 7 March 2025
  2. First stage consultation comments published - see above
  3. Proposals for amendments drafted and report to council meeting 21 May 2025
  4. Second stage public consultation on the new arrangements (open from 2 June 2025 - 27 June 2025)
  5. Publication of Returning Officer Comments
  6. Amended Polling Places and Districts reported to Council meeting 6 August 2025
  7. Changes adopted and passed to the ERO to be reflected in the electoral register

Explanation of terms

  • A polling place is the building where people from a polling district go to vote, there may be one or more polling stations (room) within the polling place.
  • A polling district is the geographical area (sub-division of a ward) in which a polling place is located.

Election Office Contact Details

Elections Office, Moray Council, Council Office, High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BX

Elections Helpline: 01343 563334
Email: elections@moray.gov.uk

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