FOI Request - Anonymous CVs

Request 101002266459

1. Does your council use the principle of anonymous CVs in hiring candidates to work at the council? This is where the hiring manager does not receive the name of the candidate, merely the application to review - to remove biases.

2. If your council does use anonymous CVs do you do any work to promote employers in your area to also take up the practice?

3. In the area you serve what percentage of the population BME?

4. Among your directly employed staff what percentage of your workforce is BME?

Response 26-09-2019

1. Yes to some extent, only surnames are provided on the application form.

2. No, we don’t.

3. This information is available from published census data and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. In accordance with section 17 of the same Act we can advise that no local information is recorded by the Council. However, in order to be helpful we can advise that at the time of the 2011 Census approximately 1.1% (around 1,030) of the population were within this Ethnic classification.

4. Staff are not required to disclose this information so we can only provide a response based on data that has been voluntarily provided and therefore does not reflect the full workforce. Of those staff who disclosed their ethnicity, 0.45% are recorded as BAME. 

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