EIR Request - Office Hydration and Single Use Plastic Schemes
Request 101002156392
1. Does the Council have a specific policy relating to single-use plastic usage at premises owned or leased out to 3rd parties? If so, please provide further details.
2. Does the Council have a specific policy relating to single-use plastic usage among Council staff and elected officials? If so, please provide further details.
3. Is the Council engaged with any local initiatives to reduce single-use plastic? If so, please provide further details.
4. Does the Council currently provide ample refill water stations for use by staff and visitors at premises owned or leased out to 3rd parties? If so, please provide further details.
Response 20-05-2019
1. The Council does not currently have a specific policy relating to single-use plastic usage at premises owned or leased out to 3rd parties.
However, in Council owned premises progress has been made away from single use plastic in the following areas:
Plastic water bottles and juice bottles by offering tetra packs and Radnor bottled water in schools.
Alternatives packaging to sandwich wedges Recyclable containers have replaced single use packing for pot lunch and salad containers.
Plastic cutlery only used when we have a dishwater break down.
Plastic straws have been replaced with paper straws.
Paper drinking cups are used at water fountains in HQ.
We are replacing single use plastic stock with Vegware packaging and cutlery this is a material made from plant based material.
Examples of the vegware products that we have introduced are :
•Cutlery in secondary schools
•Clear plastic pots for fruit in secondary schools •Pots for soup in secondary schools •Wrapping for wraps etc. in secondary schools
Where appropriate Procurement include a weighted question in procurement tendering process to ensure that the Council's vision of reducing single use plastics is shared by contractors.
2. The Council does not currently have a specific policy relating to single-use plastic usage among staff and elected officials.
3. The Council are not currently engaged with any local initiatives to reduce single-use plastic.
4. The Council has a programme of removing bottled water dispensers & installing water fountains in council properties such as schools and offices. The fountains are accessible to visitors. The programme does not extend to premises owned or leased out to 3rd parties.