FOI Request - First Aid Training

Request 101002041135

We are looking specifically for data on your tendering process for First Aid training courses.

1. Does your organisation use internal trainers to run first aid courses? YES/NO

2. Does your organisation buy in external providers to deliver first aid courses? YES/NO

If the answer to Question 2 is yes, what criteria are used to select the training provider?

3. Does your organisation have any tenders relating to first aid training?

If the answer to Question 3 is YES are these tenders relating to first aid training part of a larger tender?

4. If you have any tenders relating to first aid training what is the value of these tenders, particularly the first aid element of these tenders?

5. What areas of first aid training are covered? First Aid at Work / Emergency First Aid at Work / AED training / Paediatric First Aid / Sports First Aid / Refresher training

6. If you have any tenders relating to first aid training, where are these tenders advertised?

7. For each of the tenders which include first aid training, what is the renewal date for the tender process?

Response 15-02-2019

1. Yes.

2. Yes. Some departments may source first aid from other providers if its specific to their service needs so the criteria may vary.

3. No.

4. N/A

5. N/A

6. N/A

7. N/A

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