Public Consultation on Parking Charges
Amendment to the Grampian Regional Council (Off Street Car Parks) Order 1989 under S35 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984
At ED&I Committee on 31 October 2017 and Special P&R Committee approval was granted to approve the changes to existing charges and introduce charges at Elgin Railway Station, Cooper Park and North College Street West to best meet the varied and competing needs of different users.
The action to revise car park pricing is aimed at striking a balance between increasing customer and stakeholder satisfaction and maximising income. The overall quantity of parking available in Elgin still exceeds the number of vehicles parked on any given day.
Moray Council owns and operates the car park at the railway station, and has not historically charged for its use. The car park is routinely full very early in the day because of the convenience for commuters. It is proposed that this car park is treated in line with other popular car parks in Elgin.
Cooper Park and North College Street West currently have parking facilities in the form of limited waiting areas. As the areas are owned by the council under the Cooper Park Trust, it is proposed that both are incorporated into the Car Park Order allowing parking enforcement to be carried out by the council’s car park attendants which means that the Council can ensure that those parking vehicles in these areas do so in line with the restrictions set out by the council.
Anyone wishing to discuss the proposals should telephone the Contact Centre on 0300 123 4565 or contact Nicola Moss, Transportation Manager, by email or in writing – see address below.
Further Information
Final Advert
Plan of Car Park South College St West
Plan of Car Park Cooper Park
Moray Council,
PO Box 6760,
Elgin, Moray,
IV30 9BX