FOI Request IT Procurement & IT Estate

Request 101001667309

I would be grateful if you could provide the following information with regard to your IT estate and IT procurement:

1) Do you have a procurement policy which supports the use of the GCloud IT procurement framework?
2) Has your organisation adopted a strategy or IT policy guidance for using:
- Cloud infrastructure
- Software as a service
- One policy for both
(please indicate yes or no for each)
3) How many data centres do you have on council premises (secure processing centres which host shared systems)?
4) How many third party data centres do you use?
5) Do you use cloud hosting for your data?
6) Expressed in percentage terms, approximately what proportion of your data is held in:
- An on premise data centre
- A third party data centre
- Hyperscale public cloud ie (provided by AWS/Azure/Google)
- Private cloud
- Other public cloud (eg UK Cloud)
7) Is your IT primarily managed in house or outsourced?

Response 14-12-2017 

Q1-6. The information requested is exempt under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 – Information Otherwise Available. This information is published on the Moray Council website in relation to a previous information request at

 7. ICT is primarily managed in-house.

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